WAY - just a small three letter word but packed with so much meaning.
I found myself in Psalm 119 the other day. Yes, the one that has been given the title "the longest chapter in the Bible". Yes, the one which challenges us over and over and over again to follow God's commandments, precepts, statutes, etc. In fact that is what has always been what I focused on in reading this psalm in the past but this time the itty bitty word "way" kept popping up.
Phrases like:
I have chosen the faithful way (v30),
I shall run the way of your commandments (v32);
Revive me in your ways (v37)
Made me consider that my life is a journey and God has a chosen (or purposed) way for me on that journey. He has a "chosen way" for all His children, eternity wise, to live with Him forever but He also has "chosen ways" for us while on this earth - in our relationships, in our schedules, with our money, time, etc.
Verses which came to mind were Psalm 32:8 (a foundational verse for Lovely Branches Ministries) :
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.
Who is the man who fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the way He should choose. Psalm 24:12
Search me O God and know my heart, try me and know my anxious thoughts.
See if there be any hurtful way in me and lead me in the everlasting way. Psalm 139:23-24
Harper's Bible Dictionary, in defining the use of "way", states:
The literal meaning of ‘path,’ ‘road,’ or ‘journey’ evolved into more figurative usages to describe ‘natural’ patterns of behavior observed in the world, God’s patterns of activity, or human lifestyles. The most important usage centered in the meaning that related to human behavior and whether this behavior was in agreement with God’s plans and purposes.
Did you get that last part? Let's read it again. The most important usage centered in the meaning that related to human behavior and whether this behavior was in agreement with God’s plans and purposes.
Made me wonder, "Is my behavior in agreement with God's plans and purposes?" Are the ways I handle all my relationships, my schedule, my money, etc. always in agreement with God's plans and purposes? This is where conviction set in. You know, that gnawing feeling that God is saying you have some things to set straight with Him.
Isaiah 30:21 quickly came to mind so I turned there
Your ears will hear a word behind you, "this is the way, walk in it", whenever you turn to the right or to the left.
Even though I fail so often, my heart's cry is to hear God's voice, to walk in His will, to please Him in all respects. I knew He was telling me to listen more closely to His voice and then obey when he speaks. And as I read back through the context of chapter 30 He stopped me at verse 15,
For thus the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, In repentance and rest you shall be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength. But you were not willing.
I found that what God was very quickly telling me in this whole lesson on His "chosen way" for me was that for way too long I had been doing many things my way. I had not listened to Him and followed His lead in several areas in the journey He had purposed for me. This was more than painful, getting this loving reproof from my Lord. Yet it was also a blessing because He showed me that in choosing His ways instead of mine in regards to every area of my life there would be a corresponding peace. As I repented of my ways (turned from them) and rested in His perfect way (trusted Him) I found more peace in every area in which I had been struggling.
I know it will take a daily willingness on my part to allow God His way in every area of my life. To truly engage my heart to listen to His voice as His word guides me. Then actively follow His leading. In fact I have already wandered from the path and yet He lovingly once again said, "This is the way, walk in it." and graciously got me back on course. And once again I am resting in Him and feeling the peace He intended for me from the start.
Makes me wonder, why in the world do I stray in the first place, when peace is so attainable by simply resting in God's ways.