Friday, January 29, 2010

Our First FP4H Meeting

Yesterday was such a blessing as we started our First Place 4 Health Bible study. We had a great turn out for both morning and evening classes, in spite of the snowstorm which quickly dumped a few inches during the evening class. I am so thankful everyone made it home safely.

It felt so good getting back into ladies Bible study mode again. The weeks between Christmas break and January 28th are way too long to be away from the gals who touch my life so greatly. And what a blessing to meet some new ladies and make some new "buds". And I am soooo excited about my small group; what beautiful and tenderhearted women they are. I can learn much from them.

Elizabeth reminded me last night that we forgot to give the evening gals their health tip for the week so here it is:

Eat fruit instead of drinking it. Whole fruit offers more fiber than fruit juice and offers fewer calories as well. Eating fiber can help prevent certain types of cancer, keeps you regular and helps you feel full so you consume less calories overall. You don't need to give up juice entirely. An 8 oz serving per day is fine but if you have a choice, go whole fruit.
Taken from

A reminder on your homework:
1. Complete Week 2 Bible study
2. Memorize this week's verse from Matthew 6:33
3. Keep a food journal for 3 days to track your caloric intake. Use the calorie guide from your folder, nutrition labels and/or go to and search for the foods you've eaten to determine their caloric value. Be realistic and honest to get a good baseline intake level. (Carrie suggested waiting until Monday to start your 3 day tracking. The weekend may not give you an accurate idea of your usual eating patterns.)

Remember to take the time this week to think more about God. Read some Psalms to find out more about Him. And consider the depth of how much He thinks about you (Psalm 139:1-18).

You, sweet sister, are fearfully and wonderfully made. May you know that full well.

[posted by Edna]

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