Thursday, May 10, 2012

Session Six - Dreams and Visions

We opened our last session of this study on Daniel, chapter 7 on predictions and why we think people spend so much time trying to predict the future? Some of our answers were to "feel in control" or the "fear of the unknown".
The first six chapters of Daniel are narrative stories that we can read and understand without interpretation, but in chapter 7 things change dramatically as we enter into a kind of literature called apocalyptic. Apocalyptic is forecasting the ultimate destiny of the world as "revealed" by God. Thus the book of Revelation derived from the Greek word "apokolupsis" or what we know as "apocalypse". We have to remember when reading these portions of the Bible that such images made much more sense to people in the ancient world than they do to us today.

Predicting the future can cause many problems such as false profits predicting the end of the world which can make all Christians look like lunatics. It also makes it much more difficult to witness to people. We need to always keep our eyes on Jesus. That is what is important. And to hang onto what we know is not debatable - that Christ said He would return even if we don't have all the times and details.
Be Ready for Serious Problems. Daniel 7:2-3
Daniel said in his dream that he saw four great winds from heaven churning up the Great Sea, which could easily be a picture of the Mediterranean Sea. Stirring up has the idea of chaos. The four great beasts come up from the sea. Each one distinct from the other. The first was like a lion which most scholars agree represented the Babylonian Empire. The second beast, a bear, represented the Medo Persian Empire. The next beast was like a leopard known for its sudden unexpected attacks, represented the Greek Empire. The fourth beast was dreadful and terrible which represented the Roman Empire which has not fully diminished but just transformed into Europe, most likely. The images of these beasts remind us that there are spiritual forces in this world that are hostile to God. Forces that we humans can not imagine. These forces work against us in our every day lives as well as what we see in the news every day - evil world leaders, political corruption, abortion issues, religion, breakdown of the family, etc. There are so many things that are going on in our world where powerful forces of evil are still at work.

Question 5 on page 62 asks: How can awareness of these points (above) help followers of Christ stand strong against evil powers. Answers from the gals: We can be ready; get involved; be certain of where God wants us to be; be in Gods Word so that we can overcome; never give up; wear the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20); be prepared, watch, obey and trust the Lord.

God is on the ThroneDaniel watched all of this until the Ancient of Days (God the Father) was seated. 'Ten thousand times ten thousand times' represents humanity standing before God in Judgment. When the Ancient of Days sits on the thrown we can be sure that he will make all things right. When we are captured by the glory of the Ancient of Days and the wonder of the Son of Man (Jesus Christ), hope fills our hearts, no matter what we might face because God is just, pure, and powerful. When we feel powerless, we are assured that He offers a reservoir of resources that has no end. God is on the throne. His justice will prevail, His purity will refine us and His power is made available to all who follow Him.

God WinsWhen we read Daniel 7 we see the tension mounting; powerful and evil beasts; the battle is on; the war is raging Then we read:
I kept looking until the beast was slain and its body destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire. (The other beasts had been stripped of their authority, but were allowed to live for a period of time.) Daniel 7:11-12

Then, my friend, it becomes very clear. The Ancient of Days and the Son of Man have ALL AUTHORITY and SOVEREIGN POWER. God's dominion and kingdom WILL NEVER pass away. GOD WINS. We Know how the story ends and we are a part of the story, a part of this eternal kingdom.

That's right, God will win and overcome evil. Through Jesus we have hope for He has already won the final battle with sin, death, and the devil. Question 10 asks how these truths might impact certain times in our lives like:

How we face temptation - Come boldly against the enemy
How we deal with persecution - Joy for the privilege to suffer for Christ

Our desire to share God's love with others - Embrace all opportunities

The way we serve and care for others - Abandon yourself and love generously

The way we pray - fervently with impact, without ceasing
Remember the God you belong to. For those who have given their hearts and lives to Christ you carry the true treasure of His Holy Spirit within you. So stand with confidence in your position as a victorious child of God and look for opportunities to share your treasure with others. Always be ready to speak the truth in Love and Grace to those God has placed in your life.

Written by Shari

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